Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Good Day Supreme Court, Good Day

"Good Day Supreme Court, Good Day" was my status on June 26th. The status got more likes than most of my statuses indicating that many of my friends are for same-sex marriage. I am actually surprised at the decisions made. My prediction was that DOMA would get repealed and Prop 8 would stay. My reasoning was that DOMA is clearly unconstitutional, it denies citizens rights that others have. However, the states do have the right to make their own marriage laws according to the constitution- so Prop 8 would stay. I was wrong, but there are times, its good to be wrong. Of course, that is exactly what the supreme court said, however, they said a state can't pass a law that is unconstitutional (aka denying the citizens the rights they deserve). Yay! While this is a great day for equal rights, I fear it might halt the LGBT rights movement. There are still things to fight for, and I hope the fight continues.

I never intended to discuss politics on this blog, but realized that it was too close to my heart not to discuss. The blog is about my experiences, and this is important to me. People are different, that does not mean they don't deserve the same rights, and opportunities. I am different than most around me, I want the same chance. I believe that everyone should have the same shot at life regardless of race, class, sexuality, gender, etc.I might be a little socialist, but I am very staunch supporter of a democracy. Liberty. Equality and Fraternity, right? A little to French?