Thursday, November 7, 2013

Scholar. Practitioner. Homemaker? ( Part 1)

In this series of posts I am going to explore my ambitiousness and homemaking, make sense of it?

I will say it (with fear of backlash) I envy stay at home spouses, and parents. For much of my childhood my mom was one and my home was much less chaotic. There is something to be said about having a tidy home and fresh meals when you get home that I truly miss.Of course, I am not saying that is all stay at home spouses or parents do- but that is what I miss as an adult in my house. Stay at home (women and men) do something incredible everyday, they keep homes together, and awesomely functioning.

Some days when despite my desperate efforts to have a functioning, organized, and clean home with good food- I just cannot do it. Perhaps it will be easier when I am not trying to juggle it with school and work, but somehow I am not sure its ever going to be that.

My mom is incredible. When we moved to the U.S.- she started working again, and even with that she maintained a home very well. Although, it was not never quite like when she stayed at home. And as she has gotten older- its been harder. My parents home is not as clean or as organized as before.(Although, I never thought it was particularly organized just really clean. But I am an organizing freak, on the border line of insane of how much I expect things to be organized. It should also be noted that I am terrible at reaching my expectations).

I think when it comes to domestic task something very detrimental has happened in society. While more and more women have the ability and need to work- they still are expected to be the primary homemaker. S, says that the most terrible outcome of the feminism moment is that it it never emancipated men from their stereotypes too (more on that some other day). I know this true in my parent's home, my father does not help out with a lot of domestic chores.

My home is a little different it represents the slowly changing world. M is very helpful around the home- he enjoys cooking, loves baking, is a laundry expert, but his organizing skills are questionable at best. Cleaning is a hit or miss. So many days I wish I could stay at home and work, or just be a stay at home wife some day??